You go to play a rock paper scissors game, but you can never seem to win. There seems to be some cheating going on by the robot you’re playing against.
Find a way to win 2 or more games and increase yourScore
to 2 or more!
pub contract RockPaperScissors {
pub var yourScore: Int
pub enum Action: UInt8 {
pub case rock
pub case paper
pub case scissors
pub fun rockPaperScissors(actions: [String]) {
pre {
actions.length == 3: "You must play exactly 3 actions"
var myActions: [Action] = []
var yourActions: [Action] = []
var myAction = Action.rock
var yourAction = Action.rock
for action in actions {
myAction = Action.rock
switch action {
case "rock":
myAction = Action.paper
yourAction = Action.rock
case "paper":
myAction = Action.scissors
yourAction = Action.paper
case "scissors":
myAction = Action.rock
yourAction = Action.scissors
self.yourScore = self.judge(myActions: myActions, yourActions: yourActions)
pub fun judge(myActions: [Action], yourActions: [Action]): Int {
var yourScore = 0
for i, myAction in myActions {
if myAction == Action.rock && yourActions[i] == Action.paper {
yourScore = yourScore + 1
} else if myAction == Action.paper && yourActions[i] == Action.scissors {
yourScore = yourScore + 1
} else if myAction == Action.scissors && yourActions[i] == Action.rock {
yourScore = yourScore + 1
return yourScore
init() {
self.yourScore = 0